Maryland’s Commitment to Veterans

Home to 20 military installations and an important neighbor to our nation’s capital, Maryland is a state with many active service members, veterans, and those who love them. 

Veterans are at an increased risk for behavioral health and substance use challenges due to combat exposure, stigma, and difficulties transitioning from active duty to civilian life. There are many resources dedicated to helping veterans access services and we are committed to improving access to care, decreasing stigma, and better supporting our veterans.   

The Maryland Health Department’s Behavioral Health Administration prides itself on our comprehensive system of treatment and recovery support services for individuals who are currently serving or have served in the U.S. military. Maryland’s Commitment to Veterans program has a leadership role in both policy and program development and a direct services role.

Calls accepted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 1-877-770-4801

Provider resources

Veterans crisis line

Call 988 and Press 1 to speak to the Veterans Crisis Line. Confidential support is available 24/7 for veterans and their loved ones. Participants can also chat online

Maryland resources for veterans

Find local veteran resources by calling 2-1-1 or searching the resource database. This includes veteran outpatient clinics, which often support mental health needs, and reintegration counseling and veteran support groups in Maryland.